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The blog of Rahoul Baruah from 3hv Ltd

What's going on?

My name is Rahoul Baruah (aka Baz) and I'm a software developer in Leeds (England).

This is a log of things I've discovered while writing software in Ruby on Rails. In other words, geek stuff.

However, I've decided to put this blog on ice - I would ask you to check out my business blog here (or subscribe here).

07 January, 2008

10 Rules of Thumb to radically improve your Ruby on Rails code

Ruby on Rails has generated a lot of hype over the last couple of years.

This is a good thing - Rails is well-supported and well-understood.

But it's also a bad thing.

Lots of people read the "Agile Web Development" book and then charge a fortune to develop RoR applications. Badly.

I have seen some shocking projects, chock full of the type of spaghetti code that the Rails hype claims you cannot produce (of course this is nonsense - you can write shite in any language).

Over the years I have developed a whole number of "rules of thumb" that I use to evaluate a project's code. These are subjective, inaccurate and open to interpretation. But taken as a whole they give you a pretty decent idea of the state of the code.

And here they are:

rake stats

Look at the ratio of code to tests.

  • More code than tests? Lose 10 points
  • Between 1:1 and 1:1.5? No points
  • Above 1:1.5? Gain 5 points
This test is pretty arbitrary. Just because you have lots of test code doesn't mean that the tests are any good. But not having lots of tests is bad.


Is Rails and any required plugins installed into the vendor folder?
  • No? Lose 10 points
  • Yes? No points
It's incredibly easy to include the correct version of Rails and all your dependencies within your application tree. Making it easier to share your code with the rest of your team and taking uncertainty out of deployment.


Is rcov pre-installed?
  • Yes? Gain 5 points
rcov is easy to install and pretty useful.

What is the test coverage?
  • rcov won't work? Why not? Lose 10 points
  • More than 10% red? Lose 20 points
  • Less than 10% red? Lose 10 points
  • All green? Gain 10 points
This test is also pretty arbitrary. A green line, as above, doesn't mean that the test is any good. But a red line is always bad.


Can the database be built completely from migrations?
  • Yes? Gain 10 points
  • No? Why not? Lose 10 points
Databases are key to Rails development and migrations make them easy to share with your team and deploy to your server.

Logic in all the right places?

Is there any application logic in the controllers?
  • Yes? Lose 10 points
  • No? Gain 10 points
Controllers are part of the user-interface, function specific and relatively difficult to reuse. Application logic belongs in the models where it can be accessed via the console, not just the web-server.

Is there any application logic in the views?
  • Yes? Lose 10 points
  • No? Gain 5 points
Views are strictly user interface components - they should be primed by the controller so that the view has nearly all of its decisions made for it.

Warnings and Deprecations

Are there any deprecation notices when running the tests or application?
  • Yes? Lose 5 points
Deprecation warnings mean that your code will probably stop working when you upgrade your version of Rails.

Are there any warnings when running the tests or application?
  • Yes? Lose 20 points
Warnings are there for a reason. Pay attention to them - in most cases, it is purely laziness that keeps them there.


Do all the models have RDoc comments - a header describing the class and comments for each method?
  • Header comments? Gain 10 points
  • All method comments? Gain 10 points
  • Some method comments? Gain 5 points
  • No? Lose 10 points
Do all the controllers have RDoc header comments describing their purpose?
  • Yes? Gain 5 points
  • No? Lose 5 points
Do all the helper methods have RDoc method comments describing their purpose?
  • Yes? Gain 10 points
  • No? Lose 10 points
Ruby is easy to read and generally pretty easy to understand. That deals with explaining what your code does. But the point of the RDoc comments is to explain why it does it that way, which, arguably, is even more important.

Repeated Code

Is there any repeated code? Are there similar pieces of code in multiple places that could be consolidated into a single parametrised method?
  • Yes? Lose 10 points
When writing code if you find yourself writing something similar to code you have already written then it is always worth moving it into a centralised method or class - either as a helper, a model or even a module.


How readable is the code? Can you tell, at a glance, what the most complicated pieces of code do?
  • No? Lose 20 points
  • Yes? Gain 20 points
Unfortunately this one is pretty subjective. But, to my mind, code should read like English wherever possible. This may be sub-optimal - especially with regards to performance. It doesn't matter. You can go back, profile the code and optimise the slow bits (of course, your tests make sure that you aren't breaking any functionality). And when you optimise, keep the original (slow) code as a comment to explain what your unreadable (fast) code is doing.


Does the code use symbols as hash keys and (the equivalent of) enumerations?
  • Yes? Gain 10 points
  • No? Lose 10 points
Symbols are sort of like strings but are treated specially by the interpreter - sort of like a literal. Carefully used, they can also make your code more readable.

Does the code pass objects to generate links?
  • Yes? Gain 5 points
  • No? Lose 5 points
HTTP is not object-orientated but Rails can at least pretend that it is.

Writing this stuff down is strange. It takes things that often comes to me as a "gut feel" and documents and codifies it. Necessarily this means that there are things that I notice that I haven't written down here. Apologies - I will update the article as and when I think of them.

What use is this check-list?

If you are worried about the state of your Rails project 3hv is planning a service where your code is evaluated against these criteria and you receive a detailed report with recommendations for improvement. Excellent for managers who are worried about progress, even better for developers just starting out on Rails. Details are still being finalised but contact me if you are interested.

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